Greetings to the millions of ESRH blog readers!
I realize that its been about two years (or longer) since I last contributed a post on this blog. Because its been such a long time, I realize that a re-introduction to our readers is in order. While our other blogmeister, Jonathan Yeager, has been working his tail off producing a second book, I completed an edited volume on evangelicals and the early church, was a USTA tennis instructor in Grapevine, TX, moved three times (managing all the while not to misplace a single book or file crucial to my research!), and have now, at last, managed to turn in my PhD thesis at the University of Stirling, Scotland, to David Bebbington. After a brief year and a half in Texas we are now back in Wheaton, IL, where my wife has just finished her first semester as a tenure-track faculty member at Wheaton College. I, in addition to tennis instructing and full-time parenting, happily begin teaching at Northern Seminary, the once proud home of Carl F. H. Henry and Don Dayton, this January. By writing on this blog again, I am able to complete one of my new year's resolutions, which is to no longer get a phone call or email from Jon asking me if I'm ever going to contribute to this blog again!
Among posting reviews of Mark Hutchison and John Wolffe's A Shorty History of Global Evangelicalism (Cambridge, 2012) and Leigh Schmidt and Sally Promey's American Religious Liberalism (Indiana University Press, 2012), I plan to blog about a number of things in the coming year, from nineteenth-century evangelicalism to religion, politics, and race in the present day.
Looking forward to an eventful 2013.
-Andy Tooley
Welcome back, Andy! I've been quietly hoping to see more posts by you as well all this time. Tim Larsen
P.S. Let me be the first fellow historian to say: the tennis instructor thing is so cool.
Thanks, Tim!
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