Monday, 17 December 2012

Faculty Job

Brown University/Religious Studies

Postdoctoral Fellowship in International Humanities

Brown University's Deparmtent of Religious Studies invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in the area of "Religion,  Secularization, and the International."  The fellow will collaborate closely with the Religion and Internationalism Project.  We welcome applicants from across the humanities and social sciences, provided they have a strong background in the academic study of religion.  We are particularly interested in candidates with critical and historical perspectives on the construction of domains such as "the religious," "the secular," and "the political" as well as on the formation of international political regimes. The fellow is expected to pursue research and publications and is required to teach one course each semester.  The fellow is also required to participate in the academic life of the department as well as in the Fellows' Seminar of the Cogut Center for the Humanities.  The fellowship is offered through the Cogut Center for the Humanities and its Postdoctoral Fellowships in International Humanities. Fellows receive stipends of $52,000 and $54,080 in their first and second years, respectively, plus standard fellows' benefits and a $2,000 per year research budget.  Applicants must have received a Ph.D. from an institution other than Brown within the last five years.  The appointment will begin July 1, 2013.  A letter of interest (including a research statement), a statement of proposed courses, a curriculum vitae, a brief writing sample, and three letters of recommendation should be submitted online at  Review of applications will begin on February 15, 2013.  Please send general inquiries to Nicole Vadnais, Academic Department Manager (  Brown is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.  Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. 

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